
Wuppertal, 23.01.2025
Video Advertising in 2025: defragmentation as the primary goal
Moving image advertising has been one of the major trends in recent years and has enjoyed very dynamic growth rates as an advertising category. Terms such as CTV, ATV, OTT or FAST are no longer foreign words for the majority of people and the big screen has been increasingly opened up for digital advertising measures. More and more channels and platforms are coming into play that play videos and enable various advertising formats. The market is therefore still very much on the move. ADZINE therefore asked various experts from the adtech industry about the developments that can be expected in…
Hamburg, 29.10.2024
Revolution in IO advertising: first campaign realised using new DBCFM booking technology
The new digital booking technology DBCFM radically simplifies the planning and booking of so-called IO advertising. A first success story with the customer Deutsche Telekom. The new DBCFM booking technology is a real game changer for the online advertising market. This is exemplified by the first campaign for the client Deutsche Telekom, which has now been planned and booked entirely via this infrastructure. It was realised by the Frankfurt agency Mindshare. Read more at: Revolution in IO advertising: Revolution im IO-Advertising: erste Kampagne über neue Buchungstechnologie DBCFM ... Presseportal
Wuppertal, 08.10.2024
A standard for the automation of direct bookings on the horizon?
The advertising industry is working intensively on a new standard for the automation of direct bookings. Arne Steinmetz from Ad Alliance emphasises in the latest AdZine article that the industry will finally achieve the necessary efficiency with this step. This efficiency is crucial for the smooth running of campaign bookings. In the future, automation will play a central role in reducing the workload and increasing accuracy at the same time. Jens Pöppelmann from SQL Service GmbH refers to the technical challenges that have been overcome in recent years. Back in 2016, parts of the former concept were incorporated into SQL…
Wuppertal, 15.5.2024
Programmatic and (no) Limits to Growth
Programmatic Advertising grows inexorable since its creation. Read the full article here:
Hamburg, 25.04.2024
The IO booking revolution is live!
DBCFM is productive. IO bookings for digital media from the biggest players in the market can now be processed with DBCFM. The initiative is thus setting new standards in the traditional IO business and closing the technology gap to automated programmatic booking approaches. Further information: The IO booking revolution is live! - DBCFM
Wuppertal, 27.03.2024
AI in TV planning - a look into the future from Wupper Valley
Can artificial intelligence fundamentally improve the planning of TV campaigns? The technology provider SQL Service has asked itself this question. To find out, the tech company has turned to science. A team of researchers from the Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation (TMDT) at the University of Wuppertal (BUW) used historical data to analyze the extent to which algorithmic allocation of TV advertising islands is feasible using artificial intelligence. Translated with (free version) Further information: KI in der TV-Planung – Ein Blick in die Zukunft aus dem Wupper Valley - ADZINE - Insights in Media. Adtech. Martech.
Wuppertal, 10.10.2023
New customer: SQL Service wins solutions by HANDELSBLATT MEDIA GROUP for Nautilus booking system - Unique bundling of cross-media offers in one system
With solutions by HANDELSBLATT MEDIA GROUP, another leading 360-degree marketer has opted for SQL Service's Nautilus booking system. From now on, the company's broad portfolio will be bundled in Nautilus across all genres. This is made possible by a module within the booking software that was individually developed for solutions by HANDELSBLATT MEDIA GROUP and which automatically handles the integrated marketing of various types of media, from print to digital, video and audio to events, in a single step. This innovation opens up entirely new and highly efficient marketing opportunities for companies: All media services of a provider are combined…
Wuppertal, 22.05.23
In order to be able to meet current challenges in a solution-oriented way, it sometimes helps to look back into the past.
In order to understand why we have not really solved many of the challenges of digitalisation and especially the financing of media through advertising, one has to look back historically at the invention and development of ad servers. The first ad server was developed in 1995 by Focalink Communications, a company that was later renamed 24/7 Media and eventually acquired by WPP. The first ad server was initially called Mango, and from 1996 Smartbanner, and was the first solution for the management and delivery of online advertising. Further information: Back to the Roots (of the problem) - Central vs. Local…
Wuppertal, 13.04.23
ISS Nautilus expands booking system for Ad Alliance to include print
Multi-channel system enables more flexible booking of the Ad Alliance portfolio. With the addition of print to the ISS Nautilus booking software, SQL Service GmbH has been serving a gap in demand from both publishers and cross-media marketers since last year. Ad Alliance has been accessing the software provider's latest offering since January 2023 and now also markets the print portfolio completely via the multi-channel system. The integration of the print business processes is the logical consequence of the previous successful cooperation between Ad Alliance and the Wuppertal-based software house. Video, ATV, CTV, audio and display are already comprehensively embedded…
Wuppertal, 31.03.23
The modern I/O business has to be more automated
Although programmatic advertising has taken the advertising world by storm, the I/O business remains a mainstay for German marketers. Even though the majority of media business is now programmatic, the I/O business is a billion-dollar market that has its raison d'être. Further information: Das moderne I/O-Geschäft gehört stärker automatisiert - ADZINE - Insights in Media. Adtech. Martech.
Wuppertal, 15.02.23
Together we have achieved a lot for the automation of media bookings
DBCFM has been developed on the initiative of mediaservice wasmuth GmbH in cooperation with all market partners and will go live at the major network agencies in the next few months after a test phase. SQL Managing Director Jens Pöppelmann thanks all those involved: "With DBCFM, we have developed a tool that can be used throughout the market, which automates and accelerates the IO business and makes the exchange more secure." Mediaservice Wasmuth "IO goes automatic" - msw launched Austauschformat DBCFM für den digitalen Werbemarkt
Wuppertal, 01.12.22
GroupM Press Release on DBCFM
SQL Service is one of the technical service providers participating in the implementation of the DBCFM initiative with the multi-channel booking software ISS Nautilus. Further information: Agenturübergreifende Prozessoptimierung: Digital Booking Communication Format (DBCFM) - Germany (
Wuppertal, 11.10.22
Ten years of advertising booking with ISS Nautilus
Leading marketers such as Ströer, Seven.One Media, iq digital and Ad Alliance rely on Nautilus - focus on further development of booking options in linear TV and internationalization of the software Wuppertal, October 11, 2022. SQL Service's ISS Nautilus (Integrated Sales System) marketing software went live in 2012. Ten years later, it's hard to imagine the German market without the system: its customers include a who's who of German marketers such as Ströer, SevenOne Media, OMS, iq digital, Interactive Media, Goldbach and the marketers IP Deutschland, G+J ems and Smartclip, which have since merged to form the Ad Alliance. Over 900…
Wuppertal, 10.03.22
Jens Pöppelmann expands SQL Service management team
Jens Pöppelmann (52) joins the management team of SQL Service GmbH with immediate effect. Together with the managing directors Frank Heinrich (60) and Ralf Seidel (53) he is responsible for the business of the software company. The expansion of the management team is taking place with the aim of further expanding and internationalizing the company's market-leading position in the area of multi-channel software for advertising marketing, as well as broadening the scope of its trend-setting solutions for automation processes. The Wuppertal-based software house is the leading provider of solutions for the marketing of digital advertising space in ATV, CTV, audio…

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